Function Definitions

addidents::usage = "tensor n one qubit identity operators to
the right of op";

adjoint::usage = "adjoint[mat] is the complex conjugate of the
transpose. For a ket this is simply the complex conjugate."

adjointc::usage = "adjointc[mat] applies ComplexExpand to
adjointc[mat_]:= ComplexExpand[Conjugate[transpose[mat]]];

adjointr::usage = "adjointr[mat] is just the transpose; it is
the adjoint if mat is real"

(*basbell -> following bellbas*)
(*bassbell -> following sbellbas*)

(*Bell basis, Version 1*)
bell[0] = {1,0,0,1}/Sqrt[2]; 
bell[1] = {0,1,1,0}/Sqrt[2];
bell[2] = {1,0,0,-1}/Sqrt[2]; 
bell[3] = {0,1,-1,0}/Sqrt[2];

(*Bell basis, Version 2*)
bell[0] = {1,0,0,1}/Sqrt[2]; 
bell[1] = {1,0,0,-1}/Sqrt[2]; 
bell[2] = {0,1,1,0}/Sqrt[2];
bell[3] = {0,1,-1,0}/Sqrt[2];

(*Also see special Bell basis, 'sbell'*)

bellbas=transpose[Table[bell[j],{j,0,3}]]; (* bellbas . bellket = ket *) 
basbell=adjoint[bellbas]; (* basbell . ket = ket in Bell basis *)
bell2mat[mat_]:= bellbas . mat . basbell
(*And see 'mat2bell'*)

bin2ket::usage = "bin2ket[ls] takes list ls of n 0's and 1's,
thought of as basis states of n qubits, and returns the corresponding ket in a
2^n dimensional Hilbert space. E.g. bin2ket[{0,1}] -> {0,1,0,0}. One can
multiply by coefficients, and add if the number of qubits is the
same. c*bin2ket[{0,1}] + d*bin2ket[{1,1}] -> {0,c,0,d}. Also see bket[]."
bin2ket[ls_]:= Module[{ket,ln=Length[ls],m},
ket](*END bin2ket*)

bket::usage = "bket[bin,n]. Returns stadard form of basis ket
corresponding to |bin>, where 'bin' is a string of n 0's or 1's. E.g.,
bket[01,2]={0,1,0,0}; bket[010,3]={0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}. Also see bin2ket"
(*bket:comment. Due to difficulty in getting Mca to interpret
'000' as different from '0', this function adds 2*10^n to the n-bit 'bin'
and converts the result to a string, which is then converted back to a list 
by Characters[] followed by ToExpression. Finally, the 2 is discarded using 
Take[], and the result converted to the corresponding binary number using
Fold[]. Adding 1 to the result yields m, the position where the list
representing the starndard ket is changed from 0 to 1.*)
Take[ToExpression[ Characters[ ToString[2*10^n+bin] ] ],-n]];
lst[[m]]=1;lst] (*END bket*)

blochket::usage = "blochket[{x,y,z}] takes the Cartesian
coordinates of a point on the Bloch sphere and returns the corresponding ket in
the form {cos(th/2),sin(th/2)e^i*phi}."
(*blochket: The If[] is intended to suppress an error message from
ArcTan[] if both x and y are 0.*)
blochket[ls_]:= Module[{theta,phi,x=ls[[1]],y=ls[[2]],z=ls[[3]]},
theta = ArcCos[z];
If[ ((0==x)&(0==y))||(0.==x)&&(0.==y), phi=0, phi = ArcTan[x,y],
phi = ArcTan[x,y]];
{Cos[theta/2], Sin[theta/2]*E^(I*phi)}]

cgate::usage = "cgate[W_] returns a controlled-W on A x B,
where A is the control qubit and W a unitary on B (any dimension), as a matrix"
cgate[w_]:= tenprod[{{1,0},{0,0}},IdentityMatrix[Length[w]]] + 

cnot::usage = "returns controlled-not gate on 2 qubits, with
first qubit the control"
cnot = {{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 1}, {0, 0, 1, 0}}

coeffs::usage = "coeffs[v,b] gives the list of expansion
coefficients of the ket v in the orthonormal basis b (= list of basis
coeffs[v_,b_]:= Conjugate[b] . v ;

copygate::usage = "copygate[gate,nn] returns the tensor product
gate ox gate ox ... ox gate, containing 'gate' nn times, as a matrix"
For[jn=2,jn<=nn,++jn, fgate = tenprod[fgate,gate] ];fgate](*END copygate*)

cphase::usage = "returns controlled-phase gate on two qubits"
cphase = {{1, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 0, -1}}

diags::usage = "diags[M] takes a matrix M as a list of lists,
and extracts the diagonal elements as a single list."
(*diags:comment. This is the inverse to Mca DiagonalMatrix*)
diags[mat_] := Module[{j,v=Table[0,{l=Length[mat]}]},
v=Table[0,{l}]; For[j=1,j<=l,++j, v[[j]] = mat[[j,j]] ]; v]

dyad::usage = "Takes |a> |b>, represented as lists, and forms
the matrix |a><b|, applying Conjugate to |b>."
dyad[a_,b_]:= Outer[Times,a,Conjugate[b]];

dyadc::usage = "Takes |a> |b>, represented as lists, and forms
the matrix |a><b|, applying ComplexExpand[Conjugate to |b>."
dyadc[a_,b_]:= Outer[Times,a,ComplexExpand[Conjugate[b]]];

dyadr::usage = "Takes two kets, each REAL and represented by a
list, and forms the corresponding dyad matrix. |a>, |b> -> |a><b|."
dyadr[a_,b_]:= Outer[Times,a,b];

dyap::usage = "dyap[kt_] makes operator |kt><kt| from ket kt."

entang::usage = "entang[ket,dl] takes a ket on a tensor product
AxB, with dl = {dim A, dim B}, normalizes it, forms the partial trace of the
projector, and uses this to compute the entanglement in bits."
entang[ket_,dl_]:= Module[{eps = 10^-16,evals,j,rho,rhoa,sum,x},
rhoa = Chop[ partrace[rho,2,dl]/Tr[rho] ];
evals = Re[ Eigenvalues[rhoa] ];
If[x > eps, sum += x*Log[x]];
-sum/Log[2] ]
(*END entang*)

entsq::usage = "entsq[ket,dl] takes a ket on a tensor product
AxB, with dl = {dim A, dim B}, normalizes it, forms the partial trace rhoa of
the projector, and returns -log_2 of the trace of its square, for a Renyi
entsq[ket_,dl_] := Module[{rho,rhoa},
rhoa = Chop[ partrace[rho,2,dl]/Tr[rho] ];
-Log[Re[ Tr[rhoa.rhoa] ]]/Log[2.] ]
(*END entsq*)

entropy::usage = "entropy[list] takes a list of probabilities
{p_i} and calculates the sum {-p_i log p_i}, where log is to base 2"
(*entropy: A cutoff of 10^-12 has been inserted to avoid log(0) *)
For[j=1,j<= n,++j,
p = list[[j]];
If[p < 10^-12,Continue[] ];
sum += p*Log[2,p];
(*END entropy*)

exchg::usage = " 4 x 4 unitary that exchanges two qubits"
exchg = { {1,0,0,0},{0,0,1,0},{0,1,0,0},{0,0,0,1} }

expandout::usage = "expandout[op,ls,dl] takes an operator op as
a matrix defined on a list ls of Hilbert spaces in the tensor product of spaces
with dimensions given by dl, and returns it as a matrix on the full space.
E.g., expandout[cnot,{3,2},{4,2,2}] gives a controlled not with the last qubit
(3rd space) the control."

expandout2::usage = "expandout2[op,ls,n] takes a matrix op
representing a gate or other operation, a list ls of the qubits which forms the
basis of the matrix, and the total number n of qubits in circuit, and forms the
2^n by 2^n matrix representing that operation";

fivecode::usage = "{ |0_L>, |1_L>} for 5 qubit code"
fivecode = { 
bket[00000,5] + bket[10010,5] +bket[01001,5] +bket[10100,5] +
bket[01010,5] - bket[11011,5] -bket[00110,5] -bket[11000,5]
-bket[11101,5] -bket[00011,5] -bket[11110,5] -bket[01111,5]
-bket[10001,5] -bket[01100,5] -bket[10111,5] +bket[00101,5] ,
+bket[11111,5] +bket[01101,5] +bket[10110,5] +bket[01011,5] 
+bket[10101,5] -bket[00100,5] -bket[11001,5] -bket[00111,5] 
-bket[00010,5] -bket[11100,5] -bket[00001,5] -bket[10000,5] 
-bket[01110,5] -bket[10011,5] -bket[01000,5] +bket[11010,5] }/4

fourierg::usage = "fourierg[n] produces a n x n
unitary matrix representing the quantum Fourier transform."
fourierg[n_]:= Table[Exp[2*Pi*I*j*k/n]/Sqrt[n],
{j,0,n-1}, {k,0,n-1}]

fouriern::usage = "fouriern[ket] produces ket' = QFT ket
using Mathematica Fourier[], where ket must be a string of (complex) numbers."

grschm::usage = "grschm[ls] produces from a list ls of kets an
orthonormal set. The original set must be linearly independent."
(*grschm:comment. Input list ls is indexed by j, output list indexed by k.*)
v=ls[[j]]; w=v;
w = w - ketinner[ns[[k]],v]*ns[[k]];
]; ns] (*END grschm*)

grschmr::usage = "grschmr[ls] produces from a list ls of real
kets an orthonormal set. The original set must be linearly independent."
(*grschm:comment. Input list ls is indexed by j, output list indexed by k.*)
v=ls[[j]]; w=v;
w = w - (ns[[k]].v)*ns[[k]];
]; ns] (*END grschm*)

hgate::usage = "Hadamard gate for 1 qubit"
hgate = { {1,1}, {1,-1} }/Sqrt[2]

ident::usage = "ident[n]=IdentityMatrix[n]"
ident[n_] := IdentityMatrix[n]

invertlist::usage = "takes n, and a sorted list l, returns list
of elements not in list";

invperm::usage = "invperm[perm] returns inverse permutation
to perm, a list of integers 1 to n in some order."
For[j=1,j<=ln,++j,invp[[ perm[[j]] ]]=j];invp](*END invperm*)

ketcofs::usage = "ketcofs[v_,b_,dl_] returns a list of kets
which are the expansion coefficients of ket v in the orthonormal basis b (list
of basis vectors) of the first factor in a tensor product BC.... Here dl is the
list of dimensions of the factors, e.g., {3,4}, in which case b is a 3x3
(*Comment. The Map[Flatten...] is needed in order that the
final output is a list of kets and not a list of tensors, in the case in which
dl contains more than two elements*)
ketcofs[v_,b_,dl_]:= Map[Flatten,Conjugate[b] . ket2kten[v,dl]];

ketinner::usage = "ketinner[v,w] = inner product <v|w>";
ketinner[v_, w_] := adjoint[v].w;

ketinnerc::usage = "ketinnerc[v,w] = ComplexExpand applied to
inner product <v|w>";
ketinnerc[v_, w_] := ComplexExpand[ adjoint[v].w ];

ketnorm::usage = "ketnorm[v] returns the normalized counterpart
of the ket v."
ketnorm[v_]:= v/Sqrt[Conjugate[v].v];

ketnormr::usage = "ketnormr[v] returns the normalized
counterpart of the real ket v."
ketnormr[v_]:= v/Sqrt[v.v];

ketprod::usage = "ketprod[kt1,kt2,...] returns 
tensor product kt1 ox kt2 ox ... as a single ket (i.e., list)."
ketprod[args__]:=Flatten[ outer[args] ]

ket2bin::usage = "ket2bin[ket] assumes list of length 2^n
represents n-qubit k, and produces a list where each member of the ket list is
associated with a symbol of type, say |010>. E.g., ket = {al,0,bt,2} yields
(*ket2bin:comment. It could undoubtedly be made more readable, but
this crude form has the advantage that the ket list can be either numerical, or
symbols, or a combination. If one had just numbers, replacing 0==item with
0.==Abs[Chop[item]] would be advantageous*)
nlist = IntegerDigits[it,2,nn];
For[jt=1,jt<=nn,++jt, str = str<>ToString[nlist[[jt]]]; ];
str = str<>">";
item = ket[[it+1]];
If[ 0==item, Continue[]];
]; olist](*END ket2bin*)

ket2kten::usage = "ket2kten[ket, dl] transforms ket to a tensor
on the product space given by dl. E.g., if dl={3,2}, a 6 component ket is
mapped to t_jk, with j in [1,3] and k in [1,2]"
ket2kten[v_, dl_] := 
If[Length[dl] == 1, v, 
Map[ket2kten[#, Rest[dl]] &, Partition[v, Length[v]/First[dl]]]];

ket2kten2::usage = "ket2kten2[ket] transforms ket to a tensor
on a product space of qubits. The dimension of ket must be 2^n."
ket2kten2[ket_]:= Module[{va=ket}, 
While[ Length[va] > 2,va = Partition[va,2] ];va]

kten2ket::usage = "Inverse of ket2kten";
kten2ket[t_] := Flatten[t];

mat2paul::usage = "mat2paul[mat] converts matrix for qubits
to Pauli representation tensor. New name for mattopauli"
mat2paul[mat_]:= oten2paul[mat2oten2[mat]]

matinner::usage = "matinner[amat,bmat] computes the matrix
inner product Tr[adjoint[mata] . matb], but because it does not actually find
the matrix product it is faster."
matinner[amat_,bmat_]:= Module[{cmat=Conjugate[amat],ln=Length[bmat]},
Sum[bmat[[j]].cmat[[j]],{j,ln}] ](*END matinner*)

matinp::usage = "matinp[amat,bmat] evaluates Tr[amat . bmat]
without computing the full matrix product (which makes it faster)."
matinp[amat_,bmat_]:= Module[{cmat=transpose[amat],ln=Length[bmat]},
Sum[bmat[[j]].cmat[[j]],{j,ln}] ](*END matinp*)

matinq::usage = "matinq[amat,bmat]=sums amat[[j,k]]*bmat[[j,k]]
over j and k. Here amat must be a matrix, bmat could be a tensor of rank >2."
matinq[amat_,bmat_]:= Module[{ln=Length[amat]},
Sum[amat[[j]].bmat[[j]],{j,ln}] ](*END matinq*)

matnorm::usage = "matnorm[M] normalizes each row of the matrix
matnorm[mat_]:= Map[ketnorm,mat];

mat2bell::usage = "mat2bell[mat] converts a 4 x 4 matrix mat to
the Bell basis"
mat2bell[mat_]:= basbell . mat . bellbas

mat2nten::usage = "mat2nten[mt,ddl] converts the (possibly
rectangular) matrix mt to an n-tensor using the double dimension list ddl,
with, e.g., {2,3,{4,5}} interpreted as {{2,2},{3,3},{4,5}}."
(*mat2nten:comment. Dimension list ddl is converted to ddm with every 
entry a two-component list, e.g., ddl={2,{3,4}}->ddm={{2,2},{3,4}}.*)
If[ 0==Length[ ddm[[jm]] ] , ddm[[jm]]={ddl[[jm]],ddl[[jm]]} ]; ];
Fold[ Partition, fmt, Most[Reverse[Flatten[Transpose[ddm]]]] ]](*END mat2nten*)

mat2nten2::usage = "mat2nten2[mt] assumes mt is a
2^m x 2^m matrix for some integer m, and converts it to an n-tensor."
mat2nten2[mt_]:=Module[{ntnm = Flatten[mt]},
While[ Length[ntnm] > 2, ntnm = Partition[ntnm,2] ]; ntnm]

mat2oten::usage = "mat2oten[mt_,ddl_] converts the (possibly
rectangular) matrix mt to an o-tensor using the double dimension list ddl,
with, e.g., {2,3,{4,5}} interpreted as {{2,2},{3,3},{4,5}}."

mat2oten2::usage = "mat2oten2[mt] assumes mt is a
2^n x 2^n matrix for some integer n, and converts it to an o-tensor."
mat2oten2[mt_]:=nten2oten[ mat2nten2[mt] ]

mat2paul::usage = "mat2paul[mat] is the tensor
c[[j1,j2,...jn]] of coefficients of the expansion of the 2^n x 2^n matrix mat
in the form Sum c[[j1,j2,...jn]] sigma^1_j1 ... sigma^n_jn"

mat2sbell::usage = "mat2sbell[mat] converts a 4 x 4 matrix mat
to the special Bell basis"
mat2sbell[mat_]:= bassbell . mat . sbellbas

ninecode::usage = "{ |0_L>, |1_L> } for Shor 9 qubit code"
ninecode = Module[{shora,shorb},
shora = bket[000,3]+bket[111,3];
shorb = bket[000,3]-bket[111,3];
{ ketprod[shora,ketprod[shora,shora]],
ketprod[shorb,ketprod[shorb,shorb]] }/Sqrt[8] ]

nten2mat::usage = "nten2mat[ntn] converts the n-tensor ntn to
a (possibly rectangular) matrix."
Partition[ Flatten[ntn] , prodlist[Take[dims,-Length[dims]/2]] ]
](*END nten2mat*)

nten2oten::usage = "nten2oten[ntn] converts n-tensor referenced
(i,j,...,i',j',...) to an o-tensor referenced (i,i',j,j'...)."

oten2mat::usage = "oten2mat[otn] converts o-tensor otn
to a (possibly rectangular) matrix."
oten2mat[otn_] := nten2mat[oten2nten[otn]]

oten2nten::usage = "oten2nten[otn] converts o-tensor 
referenced (i,i',j,j'...) to an n-tensor referenced (i,j,...,i',j',...)."

oten2paul::usage = "oten2paul[oten] returns the Pauli
coefficient tensor for an operator in the form of an o tensor, for n qubits"
theta={ {1,0,0 ,1 },
{0,1,1 ,0 },
{0,I,-I,0 },
{1,0,0 ,-1} } },
nq=tr/2; qq=tr-1;
While[qq >=nq,
pten = Flatten[pten,1];
pten = theta . pten;
lst=Table[j-1,{j,qq}]; lst[[1]]=qq;
pten/2^nq] (*END oten2paul*)

outer::usage = "outer[ls1, ls2, ...] gives the outer product"
outer[args__]:= Outer[Times,args]

partrace::usage = "M'=partrace[M,q,dl] traces M over space q
(=1 or 2 or ...) in the list dl of factors in a tensor product. Both M and M'
are square matrices."
partrace[mat_,q_,dl_] := 
oten2mat[ Sum[ t[[i,i]],{i,Length[t]} ] ]]

partrace2::usage = "partrace2[M,q] Traces 2^n matrix M over
qubit q (=1.2...)"

partrans::usage = "partrans[mt,q,dl] performs a partial
transpose on the matrix mt with respect to space q (=1, 2, etc.) on a tensor
product of spaces corresponding to dimension list dl. E.g., q=2, dl={2,3},
transposes on the 3 dimensional space."

partrans2::usage = "partrans2[mt,q] returns partial transpose
of mt over qubit q in a tensor product of qubits"

paul2mat::usage = "paul2mat[ptn] takes a tensor of
coefficients in the sum ptn[[i,j,...]] sig[i] x sig[j] x ... and returns the
corresponding matrix"

paul2oten::usage = "paul2oten[ptn] takes a tensor ptn of
Pauli coefficients and generates the corresopnding o-form (dyad) tensor.
Inverse of oten2paul"
thetab={{1,0,0 ,1 },
{0,1,-I,0 },
{0,1, I,0 },
{1,0,0 ,-1} } },
lst=Table[j-1,{j,nq}]; lst[[1]]=nq;
otn = thetab . otn;
While[Length[otn] > 2, otn=Partition[otn,2] ];
otn] (*END paul2oten*)

paulnz::usage="paulnz[ptn] forms a list
{{label1,entry1},{label2,entry2},...} of nonzero elements of the Pauli tensor
ptn, where label is a string of the form {i, j, k...} and the entry is
ptn[[i+1,j+1,...]]. E. g. {1,0,3} labels the coef. of (sig_x ox I ox sig_z)."
If[ 0== plist[[jp]], Continue[]];
AppendTo[outlist,{digs,plist[[jp]]} ];
]; outlist] (*END paulnz*)

paulnzch::usage="paulnzch[ptn,ep] forms a list
{{label1,entry1},{label2,entry2},...} of elements of the Pauli tensor ptn which
are nonzero in the sense that Chop[...,ep] is not 0. Here label is a string of
the form {i, j, k...} and the entry is ptn[[i+1,j+1,...]]. E. g. {1,0,3}
labels the coef. of (sig_x ox I ox sig_z)."
If[ 1 < Length[largs], ep = largs[[2]] ];
lp=TensorRank[ptn]; np=4^lp;
plist=Chop[ Flatten[ptn],ep ];
If[ 0== plist[[jp]], Continue[]];
AppendTo[outlist,{digs,plist[[jp]]} ];
]; outlist] (*END paulnzch*)

paulten::usage="paulten[1,0,3] will generate the Pauli tensor
corresponding to sg_x ox I ox sg_z, and similarly for any number of arguments,
each of which must be an integer between 0 and 3."
paulten[args__] := Module[{ls = List[args],ln,lsf,lsp,ptn},
ln=Length[ls]; lsp=1+ls; lsf=Table[4,{ln}];
ptn=Array[0*#&,lsf]; ptn = ReplacePart[ptn,1,lsp]; ptn] (*END paulten*)

permket::usage = "permket[kt,pm,dl] returns ket corresponding
to kt on tensor product with dimension list dl when order of factors is
permuted according to pm. E.g., kt defined on A ox B ox C, dl = {4,2,3},
pm={2,3,1},the new ket is defined on the 3 x 4 x 2 space C ox A ox B";
permket[kt_, pm_, dl_] := kten2ket[transpose[ket2kten[kt, dl], pm]];

permket2::usage = "permket2[kt,pm] returns ket for a tensor
product of qubits in the permuted order corresponding to pm. E.g. for kt
defined on A ox B ox C, pm={2,3,1}, the new ket is defined on C ox A ox B."
permket2[kt_,pm_]:= Flatten[ transpose[ket2kten2[kt],pm] ];

permmat::usage = "permmat[mt,pm,dl] Converts matrix mt
according to permutation pm of tensor product with dimension list dl"
transpose[ oten2nten[mat2oten[mt,dl]] , Join[pm,pm+Length[pm]] ]]];

permmat2::usage = "permmat[mt,pm] Converts matrix mt to form
corresponding to permutation pm of tensor product of qubits"
transpose[ oten2nten[mat2oten2[mt]] , Join[pm,pm+Length[pm]] ]]];

permptrace::usage = "permptrace[n,q] returns a permutation of
the integers 1,2,3, ... 2n such that 2q-1 and 2q are moved to the beginning of
the list. Thus for n=3 and q = 2 it returns 3,4,1,2,5,6. Used to form a
partial trace"

permno::usage = "permno[n] is permutation list taking
(1a,2a,3a,,1b,2b,...,nb) to (1a,1b,2a,2b,...,na,nb), namely
permno[n_]:= Join[ -1+2*Table[i,{i,n}],2*Table[i,{i,n}] ]

permon::usage = "permon[n] is permutation list taking 
(1a,1b,2a,2b,,nb) to (1a,2a,3a,,1b,2b,...nb); namely
permon[n_]:=Flatten[ Table[{i,i},{i,n}] + Table[{0,n},{n}] ]

permtrans::usage = "returns the permutation 

permute::usage = "permute[ls,pm] returns permutation of list
ls determined by pm. E.g., ls={a,b,c}, pm={2,3,1} returns {c,a,b}."
permute[list_,pm_]:=list[[ invperm[pm] ]]

permutmat::usage = "permutmat[pm] returns a permutation matrix
corresponding to the permutation list pm. E.g. pm={2,3,1} will yield a matrix
'permt' which applied to the ket {a,b,c} will yield {c,a,b}; also 
(permt.oper.adjoint[permt]) for an operator on qubit 3 will yield the
corresponding operator on qubit 1"
permutmat[pm_] := Module[{len=Length[pm],w,j},
For[j=1,j<=len,++j, w[[ pm[[j]],j ]] = 1;]; w]

plabc::usage = "plabc[ls] takes, e.g., {2,0,3} and turns
it into a string like c[2,0,3]= ."
(*plabc:comment. Helper function for prtpaul[], prtpaulch[]*) 
plabc[ls_] := Module[{jj,ln=Length[ls],str=" c["},
str = str<>ToString[ ls[[1]] ];
str = str<>","<>ToString[ ls[[jj]] ];
str = str<>"]= "; str] (*END plabc*)

pop2dop::usage= "pop2dop[mt] takes a positive operator
represented by the matrix mt and returns the corresponding density operator
matrix: mt divided by its trace."
pop2dop[mt_]:= mt/Tr[mt];

prodlist::usage = "prodlist[ls] returns the product of the
elements in list ls."
prodlist[ls_] := Product[ls[[i]],{i,Length[ls]}]

prtpaul::usage = "prtpaul[ptn] uses Mca Print[] to output
nonzero elements of the Puali tensor ptn in the form c[3,0,2]= ... for
the coefficient corresponding to sg_z ox I ox sg_y."
(*prtpaul:comment. paulnz[] extracts nonzero elements, and plabc[]
produces a label in the form c[..].*)
prtpaul[ptn_] := Module[ {list,llist,newfn},
newfn[x_] := ReplacePart[x,plabc[ x[[1]] ],1];
list=paulnz[ptn]; llist = Map[newfn,list];
Apply[ Print,Flatten[llist] ]; ](*END prtpaul*)

prtpaulch::usage = "prtpaulch[ptn,ep] uses Mca Print[] to
output nonzero--in sense that Chop[,ep] is not 0--elements of the Puali tensor
ptn in the form c[3,0,2]= ... for the coefficient corresponding to sg_z ox I ox
sg_y. Single argument ptn results in default ep determined by paulnzch"
(*prtpaulch:comment. paulnzch[] extracts nonzero elements, and plabc[]
produces a label in the form c[..].*)
prtpaulch[args__] := Module[ {list,llist,newfn},
newfn[x_] := ReplacePart[x,plabc[ x[[1]] ],1];
list=paulnzch[args]; llist = Map[newfn,list];
Apply[ Print,Flatten[llist] ]; ](*END prtpaulch*)

quadn::usage = "quadn[ml] is the sum of the absolute squares
of the elements in ml, whether a scalar, vector, matrix or tensor."
(*Comment: Use Re[] to get rid of 0.I terms in output*)
quadn[m_]:= Module[{lng=Length[m]},
Re[Conjugate[Flatten[m]].Flatten[m]] ];

quadr::usage = "quadr[ml] is the sum of the squares
of the elements in ml, assumed to be a REAL vector or matrix or tensor."
quadr[m_]:= Module[{lng=Length[m]},
If[0==lng,Return[m^2]]; Flatten[m].Flatten[m]]

(*Random functions*)
ranbas::usage = "ranbas[n] returns a random basis of an
n-dimensional Hilbert space"
ranbas[n_] := ranorn[n,n]

ranbasr::usage = "ranbas[n] returns a random real basis of an
n-dimensional Hilbert space"
ranbasr[n_] := ranornr[n,n]

ranbell::usage = "Returns a list of four 4d kets which 
form a random fully-entangled basis for two qubits."
ranbell := Module[{jr,kets={},smat,vmat,wmat},
vmat = ranbas[2]; wmat = ranbas[2];
smat = vmat . sig[jr] . wmat;
(ketprod[{1,0}, smat. {1,0}] + ketprod[{0,1}, smat. {0,1}])/Sqrt[2.]];
]; kets]
(*END ranbell*)

ranket::usage = "ranket[n] generates a normalized random ket
for an n-dimensional complex Hilbert space"
ranket[n_]:= Module[{}, ketnorm[
I*RandomArray[NormalDistribution[0,1],n] ] ](*END ranket*)

ranketr::usage = "ranketr[n] generates a normalized real random
ket for an n-dimensional Hilbert space"
ranketr[n_]:= Module[{j,ket={}},
ket = Append[ ket, Random[NormalDistribution[0,1]] ];
ketnorm[ket] ]

ranorn::usage = "ranorn[m,n] randomly generates m orthonormal
kets on a space of dimension n, as a list of m lists of n terms"
ranorn[m_,n_]:= Module[ { j,kets={} },
If[ m > n, Return["ranorn[m,n] called with m > n"] ];
kets = Append[ kets,ranket[n] ];
grschm[kets] ]

ranornr::usage = "ranornr[m,n] randomly generates m orthonormal
real kets on a space of dimension n, as a list of m lists of n terms"
ranornr[m_,n_]:= Module[ { j,kets={} },
If[ m > n, Return["ranornr[m,n] called with m > n"] ];
kets = Append[ kets,ranketr[n] ];
grschmr[kets] ]

rgate::usage = "Single qubit rgate[j,th] for j=1,2,3=(x,y,z)
rotates by angle th about axis j as per Nielsen and Chuang p. 174"
rgate[j_,th_]:= Cos[th/2] sig[0] - I Sin[th/2] sig[j];

(*Special Bell basis and conversion functions*)
sbell[0] = {0,1,-1,0}/Sqrt[2];
sbell[1] = {I,0,0,-I}/Sqrt[2]; 
sbell[2] = {1,0,0,1}/Sqrt[2]; 
sbell[3] = {0,-I,-I,0}/Sqrt[2];

sbellbas=transpose[Table[sbell[j],{j,0,3}]] (* sbellbas . sbellket = ket *)
bassbell=adjoint[sbellbas] (* bassbell . ket = ket in special Bell basis *)

sbell2mat::usage = "sbell2mat[mat_] converts a 4 x 4 matrix in
the special Bell basis to one in the standard basis"
sbell2mat[mat_]:= sbellbas . mat . bassbell

schmidt::usage = "schmidt[ket,dl] takes a ket, assumed
normalized, on a tensor product AxB, with dl = {dim A, dim B}, expands it in
the Schmidt form as a sum of type c_j |a_j> |b_j>, with c_j > 0, and returns a
list {c_j, |a_j>, |b_j>}, where |a_j> and |b_j> are themselves lists. For |c_j|
< 10^-8, nothing is returned."
(*schmidt:comment. The cutoff for |c_j| is Sqrt[eps]*) 
schmidt[ket_,dl_]:= Module[
{basa,bkets,eps = 10^-16,j,list,rho,rhoa,snorm},
rhoa = partrace[rho,2,dl];
basa = grschm[Eigenvectors[rhoa]];
bkets = ketcofs[ket,basa,dl];
snorm = quadn[ bkets[[j]] ];
If[ snorm < eps ,Continue[] ];
AppendTo[ list,{Sqrt[snorm],basa[[j]],ketnorm[ bkets[[j]] ]} ];
(*END schmidt*)

schmidtprobs::usage = "schmidtprobs[ket,dl] returns Schmidt
probabilities for normalized 'ket' on tensor product A x B with dl={da,db}."
schmidtprobs[ket_,dl_] :=Module[{rho,rhoa},
rhoa = partrace[rho,2,dl];
Chop[ Re[Eigenvalues[rhoa]] ] ]
(*END schmidtprobs*)

schmidtproj::usage = "Takes a list {c_j,|a_j>,|b_j>} and forms
the projector sum_j |a_j><a_j x |b_j><b_j|, ignoring the c_j."
ketp=ketprod[ ls[[1,2]],ls[[1,3]] ]; proj = dyad[ketp,ketp];
ketp = ketprod[ ls[[i,2]],ls[[i,3]] ];
proj += dyad[ketp,ketp];
proj ]
(*END schmidproj*)

schmidt2ket::usage = "Applied to a list {c_j, |a_j>, |b_j>},
where |a_j> and |b_j> are themselves lists, returns the sum_j c_j*|a_j>x|b_j>."
schmidt2ket[ls_]:= Sum[ ls[[i,1]]*ketprod[ ls[[i,2]],ls[[i,3]] ],
{i,Length[ls]} ];

sevencode::usage = "{ |0_L>, |1_L> } for Steane 7 qubit code"
sevencode = {
+bket[0000000,7] +bket[1010101,7] +bket[0110011,7] +bket[1100110,7]
+bket[0001111,7] +bket[1011010,7] +bket[0111100,7] +bket[1101001,7],
+bket[1111111,7] +bket[0101010,7] +bket[1001100,7] +bket[0011001,7]
+bket[1110000,7] +bket[0100101,7] +bket[1000011,7] +bket[0010110,7] }/Sqrt[8]

(* Pauli sigma matrices *)
sig[0] = {{1,0},{0,1}};
sig[1] = {{0,1},{1,0}};
sig[2] = {{0,-I},{I,0}};
sig[3] = {{1,0},{0,-1}};

sigl::usage = "sigl[ls] returns a tensor product of Pauli
matrices corresponding to the list ls. E.g., ls={0,2} produces sig[0] otimes
sig[2] as a matrix."
sigl[l_] := sigl[l] = Fold[tenprod, sig[First[l]], Map[sig[#] &, Rest[l]]];

sigprod::usage = "sigprod[j,k,...] = sig[j] ox sig[j] ox...
as a matrix; j, k, ... integers in [0,3]. Any number of arguments."

sumlist::usage = "sumlist[ls] returns the sum of the elements
in list ls."
sumlist[ls_] := Sum[ ls[[i]],{i,Length[list]} ]

tenprod::usage = "tenprod[mt1,mt2,...] returns the matrix of
the tensor product mt1 0x mt2 0x ... The matrices may be rectangular."
(*tenprod:comment. outer[] transforms the na matrices read in
to an o-tensor, which is transformed to an n-tensor by transpose[] using
the permutation pm. The product of numbers of columns of matrices
read in = dim = number of columns of output matrix.*)
na=Length[las]; pm = permon[na]; 
dim=prodlist[ Map[Last[Dimensions[#]]&,las] ];
Partition[ Flatten[ transpose[outer[args],pm] ] , dim ]](*END tenprod*)

threecode::usage = "list { |000>, |111>}"
threecode = {bket[000,3], bket[111,3]}

traceout::usage = "traceout[mt,ls,dl] takes the partial trace
of mt over the spaces in list ls which are among those forming the tensor
product corresponding to the list dl. E.g., let dl={2,3,4}, ls = {1,3}; the 2
and 4 dimensional spaces are traced out to leave a 3x3 matrix."
traceout[mt_,ls_,dl_] := If[ Length[ls]==0 , mt , 
] ](*END traceout*)

traceout2::usage = "traceout2[mt,ls] Partial trace of matrix mt
over all qubits in list ls"
traceout2[mt_,ls_] := Fold[partrace2[#1, #2] &, mt, Reverse[Sort[ls]]];

transpose::usage = "transpose[ket] returns ket, not an error
message; otherwise, transpose[]=Transpose[]"
transpose[args__] := Module[{},
If[TensorRank[List[args][[1]]] < 2, Return[List[args][[1]]],
Return[Transpose[args]],Print["Error in transpose"] ] ];

xgate::usage = "X (sigma_x) or NOT gate on 1 qubit"

xket::usage = "xket[0], xket[1] are +x and -x axis states
on Bloch sphere"

xprj::usage = "xprj[0], xprj[1] project on +x and -x axis
states on Bloch sphere"
xprj[0]=dyap[ xket[0] ]
xprj[1]=dyap[ xket[1] ]

ygate::usage = "Y (sigma_y) gate on 1 qubit"

yket::usage = "yket[0], yket[1] are +y and -y axis states
on Bloch sphere"

yprj::usage = "yprj[0], yprj[1] project on +x and -x axis
states on Bloch sphere"
yprj[0]=dyap[ yket[0] ]
yprj[1]=dyap[ yket[1] ]

zgate::usage = "Z (sigma_z) gate on 1 qubit"

zket::usage = "zket[0]=|0>, zket[1]=|1> are +z and -z axis
states on Bloch sphere"

zprj::usage = "zprj[0]=|0><0|, zprj[1]=|1><1| project on +x and
-x axis states on Bloch sphere"
zprj[0]=dyap[ zket[0] ]
zprj[1]=dyap[ zket[1] ]

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